What we need to learn about garri production?
Though garri is widely consumed in Nigeria, it is ranked second in consumption rate in the country.
Garri typically comes in white or golden white colour depending on the nature of the tuber from which it is processed. The yellow garri, on the other hand, is a derivative of the white one which is achieved by mixing palm oil during the frying stage.
Machines are used for garri production. There was a time, however, when the processing was done manually. The root shavings or mash are stuffed into bags (porous enough to allow the passage of water), pressed under heavy weights for three to five days until the moisture and starch have been drained away. The dried cassava shavings are then sieved and then either dry roasted or fried with a little palm oil in a bowl. The resulting dry granular garri can be stored and used as required.
Cassava is high in cyanide, so the fermentation process reduces that. Besides the colour change and the additional flavour it gives to the shavings, palm oil is also useful in further lowering the cyanide content in the cassava.
Garri is judged by its taste and grain size. The sweeter types with finer grains are valued over sour, large-grained types. Garri Ijebu is made to have finer grains, and a pleasantly sour taste, making it a favourite across Nigeria. This variation is produced mainly by Yorubas of Ijebu origin, in Nigeria.
Garri can be served in different ways for different meals. For a complete meal, it is usually cooked by adding to hot water and manipulated into dough, known as ‘Utara’, or ‘Eba’. It is normally eaten with soups of different types of thick, leafy vegetable soups, melon seed soup (Egusi), Peanut soup (Groundnut) soup etc. Garri can also be soaked in water and combined with coconut, tiger nuts, cashew nuts, moin-moin, groundnuts, or smoked fish and sugar. Garri eaten with soft cooked beans and palm oil is another tantalizing delicacy for many.
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